Let’s Give Our Land Some Love…
They’re tiny bombs ready To explode with life!
50 native Oklahoma wildflower varieties are now included in our Love Bombs for extended bloom time from early spring through late fall to provide maximum nectar and pollen support for our native pollinators and wildlife!
Wildflower Market

“To love a place is not enough. We must find ways to heal it.” —Robin Wall Kimmerer
Oklahoma is home to a stunnning array of native flora and fauna that keep our ecological systems beautiful, vibrant, and healthy!
Unfortunately, with the continuing degradation and destruction of our natural wildflower prairies and other wild areas to accommodate human industry and urban sprawl, the over-use of toxic chemicals on lawns, gardens, and agriculture, and the ever-increasing strain of climate change upon our land, many of our beloved native species are struggling, dwindling, and disappearing.
But, there is hope inside every native wildflower seed!
Native OKLahoma wildflowers for native OKlahoma pollinators
Native wildflowers matter because of a thing called coevolution. Our native bees and butterflies evolved right alongside our native wildflowers for millions of years creating mutually beneficial adaptations and specializations. These mutually beneficial relationships are both critical and delicate. Pollinating insects rely upon their relational wildflowers for survival.
Our native wildflowers provide nectar, pollen, and seeds for our native bees, butterflies, birds, and other wildlife.
Unlike natives, common horticultural plants do not provide energetic rewards for their visitors. They may be pretty, but they do not feed our pollinators or sustain life.
Plant nativE

A BEAUTIful solution
Wildflowers can be planted in early Spring or Fall with the Fall months of September—December being optimal. Wildflower seed bombs can be dispersed at any time of year and will grow when conditions are favorable. Seeds will remain dormant until favorable temperatures and moisture levels are reached. Seed bombs do not need to be “planted”. They are truly “toss and grow”!
Native wildflowers are adapted to the weather conditions of Oklahoma, so they require much less care and maintenance than exotics. You can water your seedlings and young plants in order to give them the best start possible, but once they’re established they rarely need watering and will naturally thrive in Oklahoma weather.
Not only are native wildflowers beautiful and easy to care for, they help support our pollinators. Pollinators are important keystone species-they support life!
Native bees are by far the most important pollinators. Other pollinators include butterflies, moths, wasps, beetles, ants, slugs, bats, hummingbirds, and a handful of other small creatures!
These seeds are suitable for habitat restoration in Oklahoma & Texas.